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Boy names beginning with P

#Name Meaning
1 Paulsmall or modest
2 PatrickPatrick is a given name for boys. It comes from a Latin name "Patricius" meaning "nobleman". It is popular because of Saint Patrick in Irish history, so there are more people who use the name in Ireland. There are variations of this name like Padraic, Pádraig, Pat, Rick, Ricky and Patricia.
3 Peterrock
4 PhilipHorses friend
5 Park Jimin
6 Protaisexpose to danger (in battle)
7 PhillipFond of horses. One of the biblical 12 apostles.
8 Poopface
9 Pieterrock
10 Pankajlotus
11 ParkerKeeper of the forest; forest ranger. Famous bearer: actor Parker Stevenson.
12 Poopoo
13 Panosa rock
14 Perrock
15 PascalEaster, Born on Easter Sunday
16 Piotra rock, polish for peter
17 Pradeeplighting
18 PadraigAristocrat
19 Poop
20 Pedrorock
21 PerryStone / unshakable rock, Reliable
22 PercyDiminutive of Percival: Pierces the valley.
23 Pragyansh
24 Pierrerock
25 PabloKlein;
26 Praveenproficient
27 PadraicPatrician; noble. Form of Patrick.
28 Phú
29 PeytonFrom the fighter's farm.
30 Paritosh
31 Prokopy
32 PieroItalian form of Peter 'rock'.
33 Pinina
34 Prava
35 Pambudi
36 Pr
37 Paulinosmall
38 PaytonPatrician; noble. Form of Patrick.
39 Pederstone
40 Pratick
41 Pantelis
42 Pannarith
43 Panoflito
44 PriscillaOld / venerable
45 Philip Vincent
46 Prithwis
47 Paulius
48 Pagin
49 PerlaA Pearl
50 Philippe-Alexandre
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Girl names beginning with P

#Name Meaning
1 PatriciaAristocrat
2 PamelaName invented in the 16th century for a heroine of the book 'Arcadia', by Sir Philip Sidney.
3 Prachimorning
4 PaigeAttendant.
5 Plamedi
6 PhoebeFrom the Greek phoibos, meaning "pure, bright."
7 PaulaFrom the Latin Paulus, meaning "humble."
8 PaulineA French name that originates from the Latin word paulus, meaning "humble."
9 Petrarock
10 Protasiaexpose to danger (in battle)
11 PaulinaKlein;
12 Pinina
13 PriscillaOld / venerable
14 PolinaLittle Stone
15 Phi Khanh
16 Priyabeloved
17 Pratimaicon idol statue
18 ParisaLike A Fairy
19 PauletteSmall
20 PascalisChild
21 Penelope
22 PhyllisGreen Leaves, Foliage
23 PoppyPoppy (flower name).
24 Park Min Rin
25 PatriceA
26 Poopface
27 Prameela
28 PiperA
29 PiaPious.
30 PatricaNoble
31 PatPatrician; noble. Abbreviation of Patrick.
32 PaolaKlein;
33 PamDiminutive of Pamela: Name invented in the 16th century for a heroine of the book 'Arcadia', by Sir Philip Sidney.
34 Pinou
35 Pinjapine
36 Pleunbelonging to Apollo
37 Poop
38 Payalfoot ornament
39 Putridaughter, Princess
40 Paylie
41 Preitamost loving one
42 PreciousPrecious One
43 PatiencePatience. One of the many qualities and virtues that the Puritans adopted as names after the Reformation.
44 Prapaporn
45 Patrinaof noble birth, one of purity, and beloved
46 Peggy-Ann
47 Phuong Anh
48 Patrize
49 Preety
50 PaulitaLittle
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